Week 6 Update

Good afternoon everyone, I hope that you all had a great weekend...hopefully your footy team had a win?! I will not break any records around the footy tipping this year for sure! REMINDERS Catholic Day - Tuesday 6th June. This gives everyone an extra long weekend to enjoy! Winter Sports Carnival - Thursday 8th June. Please make sure that your child has returned their permission slip. We will be having a practice this Friday afternoon from 1.30pm. Students requiring any special equipment (hockey sticks, mouth guards etc.) will need to bring these. Eisteddfod Choir - Friday 16th June at 1.30pm. I will be sending a permission slip home tomorrow. Important information to note - we will be performing in the afternoon session which will conclude around 2.30/3pm. We will hop on the bus to come back to school as soon as possible but we will be back after the bus so you will need to make arrangements to either take your child from Bunbury or pick them up from school. OUR ...