Graduation Reminders
GRADUATION It is an exciting week as our Graduation Ceremony is on Friday 1st December. Mass will begin promptly at 5.30pm. I ask that your child is there by 5.15pm at the latest so that I can make sure I have everyone. We will walk down to the church on Friday at approximately 11.45am for another practice. If you can please check in with your child to see if they have any additional information for you! Those families that will be leaving OLC for the last time will be given a certificate of thanks. Your names will be called up alphabetically, if we can ask that you come up to receive your certificate and remain up the front so that you can be acknowledge as a group. All family members are welcome to attend the mass. As you are aware, space in the pews is at a premium. I ask that the graduating student and parents are the first priority in the pew. Any additional family members can sit in the remaining pews at the back of the church. Dress is smart casual on the dressier...