Term 2, Week 1

Hi Parents, Welcome back to Term Two. I hope you had a fantastic break and enjoyed that magical run of weather we had in the second week. Quote of the Week: ANZAC DAY SERVICE The Year Six class will be running the Anzac Day Service on Thursday this week. The service begins at 9:00am and you are more than welcome to join us in the hall. GRADUATION SHIRT The graduation shirts were delivered to Hip Pocket over the holidays for printing to begin. We should have them ready for the children to wear over the next couple of weeks. HOME LEARNING / DIARIES A new fortnight of home learning has begun. Please take the time to sit down with your child and discuss their planning for the next two weeks. Literacy: Under this section you will find the literacy learning intentions for the week. CAFÉ-R (Traits of good readers) We will be focusing on the comprehension strategy of scanning this week. Scanning is when readers look only for a specific fact or piece ...