WEEK 9 REMINDERS: End of Year Christmas Concert - is on tomorrow night Tuesday beginning at 5.30pm. Year Six students should be arriving at school from 4:45pm - 5:00pm. Seats will be at a premium so factor that in to your plans! End of Year Excursion - a note has been sent home this afternoon regarding Thursday. Colour Run - this will take place on Friday 13th December. This a free dress and we ask that you send in an extra white t-shirt for your child to change into. Reports - these will be sent home with your child on Friday. If your child is not at school on Friday it will be posted to you. Prayer Assembly - there will be a farewell prayer assembly for the Year 6 students on Friday morning beginning at 9am. This will be presented by the Year 5 class. You are warmly invited to attend if you are able. Star Citizen and Merits will be presented during this time. St Vincent De Paul Hampers - Each...