Bunbury Eisteddford - Friday 17th June
Dear Parents,
RE: Choir News Friday 17th
June 2016
Your child has been selected
to perform in the “OLC mixed aged” choir, which will be performing in the City
of Bunbury Eisteddfod on Friday 17th June.
The children have been working hard on two
songs at choir practice and hopefully with continued hard work, they will be
ready to sing on the set date. We will
be performing in the 10am session at
the Bunbury Entertainment Centre.
A bus will be leaving our
school at 8.30am and all children must be at school, neatly groomed in their
winter uniform, ready to go! The bus will return the children to school at
approximately 1pm.
The children need……..
Girls……….Full Winter uniform,
short white socks, black polished shoes, jumper and hair braided at the back
off their face (if you need assistance with this, please be at school by 8.15am
at the latest with your own brush and hair ties), tied with a school scrunchie.
Boys…….Full winter uniform,
jumper, black polished school shoes, hair neat and tidy and cut to our school
regulation length.
All children will receive a school tie when
they arrive at school in the morning.
They will also require a bottle of water, a
snack and a packed lunch to eat before heading back.
All parents are encouraged to
attend the event and tickets may be purchased on line or at the ticket office
on the day. If you are intending to go along for support, your child must travel
on the bus. However, at the end of the session, you are welcome to take your own child with you, if you have completed
the permission slip below. This needs to be signed and returned by Friday 10th June.
Mr Wilkie has expressed that
he does not want children to go with anyone but their own parents. They do not
have to return to school for the remainder of the day.
Thank you for your continued
support in the music programme at OLC. It has been a pleasure working with the
Maureen Horrocks
Music Teacher
Mixed Choir – Bunbury
Eisteddfod Friday 17th June.
I give permission for my
child to travel on the bus to the Bunbury Entertainment Centre. YES NO
I will be taking my
child………………………………………………………….., with me at the end of the session.
My child is returning on the
school bus. YES NO