Week 8 Update

Good afternoon,

Welcome to Week 8. My apologies for missing the last part of last week...I picked up an infection in my tooth of all things as well as a sinus infection...couch time for me! Thank you to all that checked in on me...your care was greatly appreciated!


Three Way Interviews - these will begin next Monday 27th March. I will place a schedule up in class for you to place your name in ready for tomorrow morning.

I would like students to be in attendance as I feel it is important that they are a part of the conversation around their learning and behaviour. I would like to hear from them how they think they are going so that they can contribute their thoughts on ways they can continue to improve. Interviews will be 15 minutes long, if we need to speak longer than this we can arrange an alternative time to meet.

If you are unable to attend during any of the allocated times, please let me know and we can arrange another time.

Camp - I will be sending information home in the next week outlining the costs of camp with a permission and medical form to be filled in.

I would like to thank Nathan Omodei, Simon Howard and Alicia Higgins for volunteering to come with us. I am waiting to hear back from one other mum to see if she is able to attend and will confirm in the coming days.

Stationery Items - can you please take some time to check if your child needs any stationery items. Many students have lost rulers, pens and glue in particular which makes it difficult for them to complete tasks as needed. 

Student Centred Learning - I have spent a lot of time discussing with the students this term about how it is important that they take responsibility to develop themselves as learners. We have discussed how we work in a partnership of teacher-student-parent and how we all have a role to play in helping them to be at their best.

I am asking the students to really be mindful of using the following traits to help them develop as a learner: displaying a positive attitude, putting in their best effort, showing confidence in their skills, independence, use of initiative and the importance of listening ears.


Last week we had Jess Andony from Western Dairy come out to speak to the students about the dairy farming industry. She was able to give the students a lot of information about the running of a dairy farm and the processes of milking and production. The students will be creating a Pic Collage in class to share what they learnt from Jess' presentation.

The students have continued working on their Narratives and are moving into the Revising and Editing stage. This can prove quite challenging for students to understand that they can always improve on their work.

In Maths, we have continued looking at using mental strategies for rounding and estimating in addition and subtraction. In the coming days we will move to looking at written strategies for addition and subtraction.


Please see below for the homework that has been assigned for this week.

Reading - 15-20 minutes to be written in their diary and signed.

Spelling - LCWC of all list words as well as creating their iCard Sort.

Mental Maths - Unit 8 - Days 1-4. If you can please take some time to go through this with your child to help avoid simple errors it would be greatly appreciated.

BTN - This week students will be creating a Poplet on an episode of their choice. This is to be completed by Wednesday 22nd March.

Have a great week,

Mrs Delane 

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