Term 2 - Week 2 Welcome Back!

Good afternoon,

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope that you all enjoyed a restful break...I enjoyed sunny Denmark for Easter but feel that the weeks passed far too quickly!

There are a number of reminders for the weeks ahead...please make a note of the dates below in your diary.

On Friday the staff of OLC attended a Professional Development day with Peter Mitchell who is the creator of the Making Jesus Real program.

This was a wonderful opportunity to hear from a very experienced gentleman about ways 
I can help the students to see Jesus in their daily lives. He shared many great stories about experiences that he has had with this program and I really enjoyed learning about some great ways to bring Jesus to life and to help students recognise when they are behaving like Jesus.

I have introduced Maurice our MJR mascot who will be going home on a weekly basis with a student who displays the spirit of Jesus. I will have a scrapbook that students can fill in to share how they spent their time with Maurice. The students are very excited about the chance to take Maurice home!

We discussed this morning how the little things that we can do in our day can often have a very big impact on people. I shared this clip with the students and discussed how it is good to look for the good things in our day.

Please take some time to have a look and discuss with your child about times during their day when they witnessed the spirit of Jesus or showed it themselves. Copy and paste the link below into your browser.

Noah and the Whale 'If you give a little love'
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0ZJ31v89X_Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Camp - Please make sure that all notes have been filled in and returned by Wednesday 10th May and money paid to the office by the 12th May.

When it comes to listing medication, please be very specific in the required dosage and time given. When it comes to the giving of Panadol and Nurofen as per the medical form...Please state the dosage you give your child. DO NOT write as per directions. 

I will be sending home the packing list with the students on Friday to give you time to get organised. Please follow the directions about shoes in particular - we will be doing activities in which they will get wet so they need more than one pair. 

We will be holding the Camp Fun Run on Wednesday 3rd May beginning at 1.30pm. It would be great if your child can get out and about and seek donations. Please make sure all money is sent in by Monday 22nd May in an envelope with your child's name clearly marked!

I will have a quick meeting with the parents that are attending Camp on Tuesday 9th May beginning at 3.30pm.

Casuals for Catholics - This is on Friday 5th May. Students can wear free dress and are asked to bring a gold coin donation.

Enrolment Mass - Reconciliation Year 3 - Is on this Saturday 6th May beginning at 6pm. It would be great to have as many Year 6 students as possible in attendance to support the Year 3 students.

Mother's Day Breakfast - We will be hosting a breakfast to celebrate all of our amazing mum's in the OLC community on Friday 12th May. It would be great to see as many Year 6 mums in attendance as possible.

Friendology 101 Launch - We will beginning our Friendology program on Friday. I will be working with the Year 5 & 6 girls and Mr Danaher will be taking the Year 5 & 6 boys. I am very excited to begin this program. I hope the notes page made it home to the fridge!

Thanks to the generosity of the P&F we have been given some beautiful journals for the students to work with! There will be some elements that will be worked on at home.

Photography Exhibition - This term we will be working with the Year 4 students on a photography unit. We will be holding an exhibition on Tuesday 20th June (Week 9) to showcase the work of the students. Please mark this date in your diaries.


This term we will be looking at creating Persuasive writing pieces - we began today by having an argument on a given topic and we discussed how facial expressions, body language, tone of voice and hand gestures can be useful in trying to persuade our partner to see our point of view.

I did mention that next time they were trying to persuade you to see their point of view that clearly outlined reasons to support their arguments were much better than stamping feet or slamming doors! (Let me know how it goes!)


Reading - 10-15 minutes written in their diary and signed.

Spelling - Create iCard sort for list words for this week and LCWC for all list words. Please make sure their work is being done neatly.

Mental Maths - Unit 11 of Think Mentals Book 6 - Pages 34-36.

Art - Photography Assignment 'Hard'. This is due on Monday 8th May. Students have received an assessment outline explaining what needs to be completed.

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs Delane 

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