Week 9...Term 2 Is Nearly Over
Good afternoon,
The end of term is soon upon us, hopefully the holidays are booked for somewhere warm and sunny?!
As you may have heard, the 5/6 Senior Choir won their section of the Bunbury Eisteddfod on Friday afternoon. The sang beautifully and did OLC very proud, they have been working so hard and it was wonderful to see that hard work pay off...I was a little teary!

Confirmation -
There has been a change to the date of Confirmation. It will now be on Saturday 5th August beginning at 6pm. The Bishop got in touch with Mrs Meyer late last week to advise of the change of date.
Ngilgi Cave Excursion - Wednesday 21st June -
We will be leaving school at 9am on Wednesday. Please make sure that your child brings a rain jacket (does not have to be the OLC one), water bottle and a pair of gloves.
Whilst the weather forecast is not looking that great we will go ahead regardless. We can adjust our timeline to do our cave tour earlier and return to school earlier if needs be.
I would like to ask students to bring a change of clothes to school for in case we get wet...this can be free dress. If we do not get wet, we will not get changed.
Cross Country - This will be on Thursday morning beginning at 9am. Please see the email from Des about parking. Students are to wear their Faction Shirts.
Year 5 Camp - I will be attending the Year 5 camp in Bridgetown to support Mr Danaher next week. We will leave on Wednesday morning and return on Friday afternoon. I will let the students know who is covering for me once Mr Torrese has confirmed it.
Give a Can Appeal - Please see the email from Mrs Meyer about supporting this initiative within our community. All donations are to be placed in the box at the front of the office.
We are continuing to work on our Saints projects in class, we are researching and collecting notes on a Saint that will guide us through the sacrament of Confirmation.
In maths, we have been looking at collecting, representing and interpreting data in vertical column graphs, dot plots, line graphs and picture graphs. We collected data on our favourite colour here in Year 6 and then created a column graph.
In our literacy work we have been continuing to work on drafting our persuasive texts and reading examples of texts aimed at persuading us to agree with the author.
During our Friendology sessions we have been working on our Quick Comebacks that we can use when someone is mean on purpose to us...this is a phrase that is locked in our minds to come out when we need it!
Spelling - LCWC for all list words and iCard Sort. Please make sure their work is being done neatly.
Mental Maths - Unit 16 of Think Mentals Book 6 - Pages 49-50.
Saints Project - Written Report due Tuesday 18th July (Week 1 - Term 3) and Oral Presentations beginning 19th July.
BTN - No assignment this week
Have a great week!
Mrs Delane
The end of term is soon upon us, hopefully the holidays are booked for somewhere warm and sunny?!
As you may have heard, the 5/6 Senior Choir won their section of the Bunbury Eisteddfod on Friday afternoon. The sang beautifully and did OLC very proud, they have been working so hard and it was wonderful to see that hard work pay off...I was a little teary!

Confirmation -
There has been a change to the date of Confirmation. It will now be on Saturday 5th August beginning at 6pm. The Bishop got in touch with Mrs Meyer late last week to advise of the change of date.
- The child/parent workshop will be held on Thursday 20th July.
- Bishop Gerard will visit on Tuesday 1st August at 10am.
- We will have our Confirmation Retreat on Wednesday 2nd August - further details to follow.
Ngilgi Cave Excursion - Wednesday 21st June -
We will be leaving school at 9am on Wednesday. Please make sure that your child brings a rain jacket (does not have to be the OLC one), water bottle and a pair of gloves.
Whilst the weather forecast is not looking that great we will go ahead regardless. We can adjust our timeline to do our cave tour earlier and return to school earlier if needs be.
I would like to ask students to bring a change of clothes to school for in case we get wet...this can be free dress. If we do not get wet, we will not get changed.
Cross Country - This will be on Thursday morning beginning at 9am. Please see the email from Des about parking. Students are to wear their Faction Shirts.
Year 5 Camp - I will be attending the Year 5 camp in Bridgetown to support Mr Danaher next week. We will leave on Wednesday morning and return on Friday afternoon. I will let the students know who is covering for me once Mr Torrese has confirmed it.
Give a Can Appeal - Please see the email from Mrs Meyer about supporting this initiative within our community. All donations are to be placed in the box at the front of the office.
We are continuing to work on our Saints projects in class, we are researching and collecting notes on a Saint that will guide us through the sacrament of Confirmation.
In maths, we have been looking at collecting, representing and interpreting data in vertical column graphs, dot plots, line graphs and picture graphs. We collected data on our favourite colour here in Year 6 and then created a column graph.
In our literacy work we have been continuing to work on drafting our persuasive texts and reading examples of texts aimed at persuading us to agree with the author.
During our Friendology sessions we have been working on our Quick Comebacks that we can use when someone is mean on purpose to us...this is a phrase that is locked in our minds to come out when we need it!
Reading - 10-15 minutes written in their diary and signed.
Spelling - LCWC for all list words and iCard Sort. Please make sure their work is being done neatly.
Mental Maths - Unit 16 of Think Mentals Book 6 - Pages 49-50.
Saints Project - Written Report due Tuesday 18th July (Week 1 - Term 3) and Oral Presentations beginning 19th July.
BTN - No assignment this week
Have a great week!
Mrs Delane