Week 3 Update

Good morning parents, I hope that you weren't blown away over the weekend, I was lucky enough to get completely saturated twice on Saturday! Just a few reminders for this very special and important week. Parent Letters - these are due today. Please make sure they are clearly labelled with your child's name. If you have not already given it to me, can you please make sure that it is handed in tomorrow morning at the absolute latest. Confirmation Retreat - please make sure that your name is down next a plate. All food can be taken to the canteen on Wednesday morning. There are still a few empty spaces left...if you can't make it into class please email Alisa or myself and we can make a note for you. This a free dress day - please make sure your child is warm and comfortable. Confirmation Ceremony Rehearsals - these will be on Wednesday afternoon at 1.30pm, we will be attending Reconciliation on Thursday morning at 10.30am and then another rehearsal on Friday af...