Head Lice Alert
Dear Parents, We have had another occurrence of head lice in our class. As we know these are very common and difficult to get rid of. Can I ask that you please check your child's hair and treat any lice accordingly. I will send home a hard copy of the treatment policy with your child tomorrow. Head lice are tiny insects which live in human hair. The eggs look like grains of salt stuck to the hair and are most often found behind the ears and along the forehead and temples. Do not be alarmed. Lice are very common, especially in schools. They can live in the cleanest of hair. They do not make you sick, but can cause itching, especially in children. You may have noticed your child scratching his/her head lately. Head lice can be treated effectively with a recommended insecticide shampoo or lotion, followed by regular combing and removal of eggs. There are several products available; ask your pharmacist for advice. It is important to check the rest of the family and c...