
Showing posts from September, 2017

Head Lice Alert

Dear Parents, We have had another occurrence of head lice in our class. As we know these are very common and difficult to get rid of. Can I ask that you please check your child's hair and treat any lice accordingly. I will send home a hard copy of the treatment policy with your child tomorrow. Head lice are tiny insects which live in human hair. The eggs look like grains of salt stuck to the hair and are most often found behind the ears and along the forehead and temples. Do not be alarmed. Lice are very common, especially in schools. They can live in the cleanest of hair. They do not make you sick, but can cause itching, especially in children. You may have noticed your child scratching his/her head lately. Head lice can be treated effectively with a recommended insecticide shampoo or lotion, followed by regular combing and removal of eggs. There are several products available; ask your pharmacist for advice. It is important to check the rest of the family and c...

Week 10 - Term 3 Update

Good afternoon, The end of the term has finally arrived, safe travels to those of you lucky enough to be getting away! It has been a busy term and the students have worked well and will enjoy the break. REMINDERS - WEEK 10 Operation Shoebox Appeal - There is still a large number of students that have not brought their donations in. I understand that at times it can be difficult to find the extras that are asked for but any donation is greatly appreciated. We will be packing these tomorrow. Term 4 Calendar - Please make a note of the important dates for the upcoming term. Particularly Graduation for those family members you may wish to invite or shopping trips you may need to schedule! It will be on Friday 1st December and further information will be sent out in the first few weeks of Term 4. OLC 2017 Calendar Uniforms - Please take some time over the holidays to check that your child's summer uniform fits well and that all items are worn according to ou...

Farewell to the Larsen Family - Shared Lunch (Digital Copy)

­ 11 th September 2017 Dear Parents, Re: Farewell to the Larsen Family Shared Lunch 15/9/17 As you are aware, the Larsen family are leaving us at the end of this week as they are packing up and moving up the big city. It will be Noah’s last day on Friday 15 th September and I thought it would be nice if all of the students could bring in a small plate of food to have a shared lunch to farewell Noah. It would be appreciated if all students could bring in a plate to share for lunch – boys are asked to bring a savoury plate and girls are asked to bring in a sweet plate. Cold food can be placed in the canteen fridge on Friday morning or alternatively hot or cold plates can be dropped off ready for lunch at 12.30. I will supply a juice box for each student as well as plates and napkins. Thank you in advance for your support, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Kind regards, Caitlin Delane 

Week 9 Update

Good morning everyone, I hope that you have had a chance to enjoy a restful weekend with the busyness of last week now behind us. What an amazing experience for the students, I was so proud of all of them. They put on three first class performances and wowed everyone that came to watch. I was impressed with their positive  attitudes and great manners throughout. A massive thank you to everyone that helped out through all of last week. The hair, make up, costumes, supper and additional support was greatly appreciated and I am so thankful for all that you did to support the students and I. I will add more photos as they are available. REMINDERS - WEEK 9  PAT Assessments -  Can I ask that all students please bring their iPads to school each day and make sure that they are fully charged.  We will be completing our PAT Maths, PAT Reading Comprehension, PAT Spelling and PAT Grammar and Punctuation Assessments as part of our OLC Assessmen...

Week 8 - Musical Week

Good morning, Welcome to Week 8! Thank you for all that you have done to help get the kids ready for this week, we had a fantastic matinee performance yesterday and I was very proud of all of the students. It takes a lot of courage to get up there and sing and dance like no one's watching and they did so well!! REMINDERS - WEEK 8 Classroom Routines  - This week is an unusual one but please be aware that we will be operating as normal. We will be working through a modified learning programme that bears in mind that the students are a little on edge and will get more tired as the late nights catch up to them.  If your child is still sleeping in past the time they normally need to get up please feel free to bring them in a little later on Thursday and Friday morning. You will need to sign them into the office on arrival at school. I would appreciate an email or call to the office if your child will be coming in later so that you don't receive a follow up call. ...