Head Lice Alert
Dear Parents,
We have had another occurrence of head lice in our class.
As we know these are very common and difficult to get rid of. Can I ask that you please check your child's hair and treat any lice accordingly.
I will send home a hard copy of the treatment policy with your child tomorrow.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Mrs Delane
We have had another occurrence of head lice in our class.
As we know these are very common and difficult to get rid of. Can I ask that you please check your child's hair and treat any lice accordingly.
I will send home a hard copy of the treatment policy with your child tomorrow.
Head lice are tiny insects which live in human hair.
The eggs look like grains of salt stuck to the hair and are most often found
behind the ears and along the forehead and temples.
Do not be alarmed. Lice are very common, especially in
schools. They can live in the cleanest of hair. They do not make you sick, but
can cause itching, especially in children. You may have noticed your child
scratching his/her head lately.
Head lice can be treated effectively with a
recommended insecticide shampoo or lotion, followed by regular combing and
removal of eggs. There are several products available; ask your pharmacist for
It is important to check the rest of the family and
close contacts for head lice. Adults often don’t feel any itching. Anyone who
has eggs or live lice in their hair should be treated at the same time. Please
advise other contacts so that they can check their hair.
Under Regulation 19A of the Education Act (1960)
children found to have head lice are excluded from school until treatment has
begun. Your child can return to school one day after treatment has commenced.
The treatment instructions should be followed
carefully and a fine-toothed, metal nit comb (available from chemist shops)
should be used. Check the hair every day for 21 days, combing or
pulling out all eggs. The problem can persist until all eggs are removed.
After the treatment, your child’s hair should be
checked weekly. This is an important
preventive measure for all school-aged children.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Mrs Delane