Week 9 Update

Good afternoon,

Wow, can you believe that Week 9 is here?! We have a busy week ahead and lots of fun together.

I would like to say a very big thank you for your incredibly generous gift on Friday...the Delane's were all very excited!! I had a wonderful time on Friday night and I hope that you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

I have a copy of the photos that Jodie Spencer took and Mrs Johnson will make them available to students to download to their iPads.

Excursion - If you can please make sure that your child is at school tomorrow morning, in free dress including sunscreen already applied, a hat, rashie, towel and recess by 8.20am.

We will be leaving by 8.30am to head to Gravity in Dalyellup for the 10am session. We will have recess and then head to Xscape by 12pm. If you would like to meet us there, you are most welcome!

Please make sure that you are available to pick your child up by 4pm. If they are going home with another student, please send me through an email.

Christmas Concert - Is on this Wednesday beginning at 5.30pm. We ask that you have your child at school by 5.15pm dressed in Christmassy colours!

Final Assembly - We will be performing a short assembly on Friday morning beginning at 9am. It would be wonderful if you could join us! We will be heading to the Old Dunsborough Boat Ramp by 11.45am ready for a fun beach day. 

You are welcome to collect your child from the boat ramp but will need to do so by 2.30pm in time for us to catch the bus back to school.

Students are welcome to bring their leavers shirts in on this day to be signed with your permission.

I will be sending home each day a small number of books that are not being used to avoid a large pile going home on Friday.

Absentee Notes - I will be sending a copy of these home today. Please make sure they are signed and returned as soon as possible to show an accurate attendance on your child's report.

Enjoy the last week!

Mrs Delane 

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