
Showing posts from May, 2018


Hi everyone, Just a few reminders for camp tomorrow: 1. Please arrive in the top car park for approximately 7:30am . This allows us ample time to pack the bus and for the children to have a last minute toilet run before an 8:00am departure. 2. Any children that haven't brought in their bag of lollies and packet of biscuits, please do so in the morning. 3. Looks like we will have pretty good weather for the week. Some possible rain/storm may come in  Thursday, so make sure your child has packed a raincoat etc. 4. Children are allowed to bring an iPad, iPhone or iPod to listen to music on the bus there and back. These will be collected for the duration of the camp. A big thank you to Mrs Delane for all her help and to Mrs Nottle, Mrs Paterson and Mr Currie for volunteering their time. Should be a great week for all involved! Safe travels!!!

Term, Week 3

Hi Parents and students, Happy Mother’s Day to all the fantastic Mums! I hope you were spoilt on your special day and enjoyed the lovely weather that the weekend had to offer. I am going to change the frequency of the blog to every fortnight. This will coincide with the new home learning grid fortnightly cycle. Any other important information that requires your attention will posted in separate blogs as they arise. I will be attending a 3-day professional development course in Perth next week (Monday – Wednesday). Affirmation of the Week: Camp: I am happy to say that all volunteer positions for the camp have been filled. A big thank you to Carla Paterson, Jo Nottle and Bruce Currie for putting their hand up. Camp has been booked and confirmed for Tuesday 29 th May – Friday 1 st June (WEEK 5) at Woodman Point Recreation Reserve. A camp permission slip and medical form will be sent home for filling out and signing tomorrow. Please return these ASAP...

Graduation Shirt

Hi Parents, The graduation shirt design has been completed and is ready for printing. Could you please provide a green OLC shirt (CLEARLY MARKED WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME) and $10  in payment (the sooner the better). If you require a new shirt, you can purchase one through the Uniform Shop. A massive thank you to Mark Phillips from Hippocket Workwear for keeping the costs per shirt to a minimum. Great work! Kind regards, Mr Jones

Term 2, Week 1

Hi Parents and students, Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic break. I managed to escape to Kalbarri, which was fantastic! The last time I was there was about 25 years ago and not a whole lot has changed, which was refreshing. Super busy 9-week term. Affirmation of the Week: Camp: I am still on the hunt for 1 DAD VOLUNTEER for the Year 6 camp. Let me know if you are interested. There has been talk that we could possibly split the days if you can’t commit for the whole time. Camp has been booked for Tuesday 29 th May – Friday 1 st June (WEEK 5) at Woodman Point Recreation Reserve. In the coming weeks, a camp permission slip and medical form will be sent home for filling out and signing. Please return these ASAP. Cheers! Graduation Shirt: We are in the process of finalising the graduation shirt and getting the design sent off to Hip Pocket Work Wear. The students will be required to supply a green OLC sports shirt to have the design pr...