Hi everyone,

Just a few reminders for camp tomorrow:

1. Please arrive in the top car park for approximately 7:30am. This allows us ample time to pack the bus and for the children to have a last minute toilet run before an 8:00am departure.

2. Any children that haven't brought in their bag of lollies and packet of biscuits, please do so in the morning.

3. Looks like we will have pretty good weather for the week. Some possible rain/storm may come in  Thursday, so make sure your child has packed a raincoat etc.

4. Children are allowed to bring an iPad, iPhone or iPod to listen to music on the bus there and back. These will be collected for the duration of the camp.

A big thank you to Mrs Delane for all her help and to Mrs Nottle, Mrs Paterson and Mr Currie for volunteering their time. Should be a great week for all involved!

Safe travels!!!

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