
Showing posts from September, 2018

Term 3 Numeracy Holiday Revision Booklet

Hi Parents, I have made up a numeracy revision booklet for the kids over the holidays. It is not compulsory, however it would be beneficial for your child to practise the different concepts. They can also access the different concepts we have covered this term via Mathletics. Your child has either been given a hard copy of the booklet or they can access it through their Numeracy folder on One Note. Enjoy the holidays, wherever you may be, and I'll see you all next term! Kind regards, Mr Jones

Behaviour Notifications

Hi parents, The Leadership Team and Staff of OLC have reviewed our school behaviour policy over the last few weeks and as a result, behaviour notifications are being implemented for low-level behaviours. This means, that teachers will be able to assign a behaviour notification to a child if they have exhausted their multiple warnings to curb the undesirable behaviour/s, that are not aligned with our school values. If your child receives a behaviour notification, they will be required to follow a teacher on duty for 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes and have it signed before returning it to the classroom teacher. If a student in Year 6 receives one, I will send you a SEQTA message with a brief reason as to why they received the infringement. I ask that you support my decision in giving the behaviour notification and discuss your child’s behaviour with them before they return to school the next day. For serious behaviour, normal protocols will be followed. More information on the OLC...


JUNGLE BOOK NIGHT PERFORMANCES. Dear Parents, Thank you for your invaluable support in make-up, hair and dressing, before and during our matinee performance. It was a success and the feedback from the audience for the costumes, make-up and hair has been very positive. I was very proud of the children in their first show with an audience and hope you will recognise the efforts of all the children that come together to make “JUNGLE BOOK” a great performance. Don’t forget to buy your tickets online! The following is a reminder list for the children for Thursday and Friday evening. ·        Make-up is to start at 4.30pm with the ELEPHANT BRIGADE, Colonel Hathi and Winifred. ·        MONKEYS TROOP and King Louie to arrive from 4.45pm.             ·        JUNGLE/TREE CHORUS 5.00pm. ·        AL...

Term 3, Week 9

Hi everybody! GO THE EAGLES!!! Quote of the Week: SPORTS UNIFORM: The children are allowed to wear their sports uniform for the remainder of the week due to the musical. MUSICAL: A note from Mrs Delane. Good afternoon parents, Musical week has arrived and I just thought I would send out a couple of reminders so that we are all in the right place at the right time! I know I am having trouble keeping track of everything going on at the moment. Just to be clear, the Year 5/6 parents are providing supper for the audience for both nights. We have fruit platters to be brought in for the cast as well as pizzas from Domino’s for Intermission. These will be ham and cheese and margherita flavour. Thank you to the P & F for helping with the cost of these! Thank you to Fee Chandler & Louise De Chiera for volunteering to bring platters for Thursday night and Amanda Prestipino, Sasha Taylor-North and Marylee Edwards for volunteerin...

Musical Dress Rehearsal

Hi Parents, Just a quick reminder that there is a dress rehearsal tomorrow at 1:00pm. If you are available to help the characters get into their costumes (pinning etc), could you please be in the hall for 12:00pm. If your child requires an item or piece of clothing to go under their costume, could you please ensure they bring it to school with them. All students are to still arrive at school in their sports uniform for their throwing events. Thank you Mr Jones