Behaviour Notifications
Hi parents,
The Leadership Team and Staff of OLC
have reviewed our school behaviour policy over the last few weeks and as a
result, behaviour notifications are being implemented for low-level behaviours.
This means, that teachers will be able to assign a behaviour notification to a
child if they have exhausted their multiple warnings to curb the undesirable behaviour/s, that are not aligned with our school values. If your child receives a behaviour
notification, they will be required to follow a teacher on duty for 5, 10, 15
or 20 minutes and have it signed before returning it to the classroom teacher.
If a student in Year 6 receives
one, I will send you a SEQTA message with a brief reason as to why they
received the infringement. I ask that you support my decision in giving the
behaviour notification and discuss your child’s behaviour with them before they
return to school the next day.
For serious behaviour, normal protocols
will be followed. More information on the OLC behaviour policy will be released
by the Leadership Team in the coming days.
Please be assured that our approach
to discipline is proactive in its nature, not merely reactive. Positive
behaviour will continue to be promoted, encouraged and rewarded in the form of
merit awards, Making Jesus Real Nominations, Dojo points, faction tokens and
verbal acknowledgement.
I hope everyone has an awesome
break and go the Eagles!
Kind regards,
Mr Jones