Confirmation Retreat

Hi Parents,

Below is a message from Sue Barton. Sue has been involved with the school's Confirmation retreat day for many years and will again be involved this year. The retreat will be on the Thursday of Week 5 and will be held in the school hall. More information to come but please read the message below.


Mr Jones

Dear Parents of year 6  Students,
To support the work of your school and the role you play in preparing students for confirmation, I have been invited to facilitate a confirmation retreat day for the students. Throughout the day students will explore the meaning of the Holy Spirit’s gifts and the influence these gifts can have in their life.
To add to the occasion, I am requesting A PARENT, BOTH PARENTS, THE STUDENT’S SPONSOR OR ALL THREE, WRITE A BRIEF SURPRISE LETTER OF SUPPORT to their child and return it to their class teacher in a sealed envelope PRIOR to the retreat. This is a wonderful opportunity to further express your support to your child as they celebrate this milestone.  You may like to share some memories of your confirmation, the choice is entirely up to you.  All I ask is that receiving the letter will be a positive experience for your child. Students will read the LETTER during the retreat so it is therefore VITAL that ALL students receive a letter.  If however you choose not to write to your child, you need to explain this to your child prior to the retreat day so that your child is not confused as to why they have been “left out”.
If your child is not being confirmed, but will be attending the retreat, I am also asking the parents of these students to write to their child, encouraging them in their last year of primary school and expressing your support for them in the years ahead.
The opportunity to read a letter from a parent or sponsor will be a highlight for your child and will be remembered for a long time.
I thank you in anticipation and for the time, effort and support you are constantly providing to ensure this is a special time for your child.
Yours faithfully
Sue Barton
Retreat Facilitator

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