Year Six Performance Assembly
Hi Parents,
I have to apologise for any confusion regarding the Year Six
Performance Assembly which WILL NOT be this coming Friday. Unfortunately, the
date for the assembly has remained on the school calendar for the last few
weeks even though the Year Six class will now be performing the Nativity Play
as part of the Christmas Concert on the 10th December.
This year’s Nativity Play is titled ‘The Inn-Spectors’.
‘The inn-spectors are in Bethlehem and they are not pleased. A stable is
no place for visitors and their newborn baby, and, it really is a health and
safety nightmare! Can the inn-spectors be convinced that the stable really is fit for a King?’
The Nativity
Play will be similar to the musical that they participated in last year in that
it will be complete with costumes, lighting and sound. I am sure that you will
all thoroughly enjoy watching the Year 6’s performing and I am sure that they will get an even bigger kick out of performing
in front of you and a packed out hall. Get there early to secure your front row
I look forward
to seeing you all there to celebrate the end of the year.
Kind Regards,
Mr Jones