Dear Parents, I would just like to say again, thank you to all those parents that were able to come and enjoy our presentations last night. It was wonderful to have so many parents able to make it and to view the amazing work of these students. A big thank you to Alie Smith for organising the food and drinks - we couldn't have done it without you! A massive thank you to Mrs Amie Meyer for all that she has done to make this idea a reality. The success of this event has ensured that this will become an annual event at OLC and it wouldn't have been possible without Mrs Meyer's ideas and dedication to helping the students achieve. Thank you for my lovely gift and kind words, they are both appreciated. Have a wonderful day, Mrs Delane
Hi Parents, The note below is being sent home today. Please cut and fill in the permission slip and return to me by Monday 26th March. The Inter School Swimming Team will receive theirs tomorrow. Cheers! Mr Jones 22 nd March, 2018 Dear Parents, RE: Chrism Mass – Tuesday 27 th March We will be travelling to Bunbury on Tuesday 27 th March to participate in the Chrism Mass that is held at the Bunbury Cathedral. Mass will begin at 11am and will conclude at approximately 12.15pm. A short tour of the Cathedral will follow. The purpose of this Mass is to consecrate the Oil of Chrism that is used during the Sacrament of Confirmation and bless the Oil of the Sick used for the Anointing of the Sick. The sign of Confirmation is the Oil of Chrism, the most sacred of the oils. During the Confirmation ceremony, a person is anointed on the forehead with Chrism. As the oil is absorbed by the body, it is a sign of how the confirmed person is filled with the ...
Good afternoon parents, Welcome to Week 3, I hope you all enjoyed the amazing weather that was put on for us over the weekend!! REMINDERS - WEEK 3 Confirmation Home Mass - This is on next Monday 30th October and is being hosted by the Tutt family. We will begin promptly at 6pm, we ask that you arrive by 5.45pm to smooth the logistics of food and drinks etc. I am sure that Sherylee will appreciate food being pre-warmed if possible and any extra hands! Guitar - A reminder that your child needs to bring their guitar each week to their lesson with Mr Torrese on Thursday afternoon's. Their lesson runs from 2-3pm and it is very important that all students have their guitars. Peace Posters - These are due in on Monday 30th October. I am so impressed with the work of many of the students in their interpretation of 'The Future of Peace'. This week the students will write a quote to go with their piece. These will be displayed in the Hall from Tuesday 1st November i...