We Are Off And Away!
Good afternoon,
Welcome to the latest instalment of the Silver Room blog! It
has been an exciting and busy start to the term. The students have settled into
our routines beautifully and they are showing themselves to be a fine
leadership group. I am very impressed with their efforts!
Swimming has been going fantastically this week – the students
have loved assisting their buddies in Year 1 to and from swimming. It is beautiful
to see the bond they are beginning to form. They are setting a wonderful
example for their buddies in terms of the care, respect and attention that they
are demonstrating.
I thank you for the patience you have shown with our
adjusted timetable and for making sure that your child is prepared for each
Just a few housekeeping items for your attention.
Reading –
I ask that the students read for a maximum of 15 minutes each night. If possible,
can you ask your child to read out loud to you regularly? It is a great way to
show your interest in their learning and it is beneficial for your child to
hear themselves. It also helps them to correct any mistakes, as well as giving
them practice for our Assemblies etc.
Please make sure that your child writes the name of the book
they are reading and the number of pages read in their diary in the appropriate
Diary –
the students are given time every day to write all appropriate homework and notes in their
diary. This is an important communication tool for all. It is also an important
skill to have in terms of time management and personal organisational skills. It
also helps to keep you apprised of upcoming events.
I ask that you check your child’s diary each night and sign it. I also use the diary as
a way to let you know how your child is going or if I need to see you?
Maths – IXL
– each day the students will be assigned an IXL Maths task to complete at home
that night. These tasks are aligned to our learning in class and provide a way
to practice and consolidate the skills from our classwork.
This is done to a maximum of 15 minutes.
Spelling -
students will complete a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check of all of their list
words using the given framework. I ask that their words are corrected, either
by you or by the student.
They will also need to complete one activity each night
using the given Spelling Activities Rubric.
BTN – each
Wednesday in class we will watch the current Behind the News episode. As a
class we discuss the focus story and collaborate together to produce the main
ideas and supporting information. As the year progresses, I will withdraw the
scaffolding provided during these times.
Your child is asked to complete a Written Report for the
given story. This will be due the following Wednesday. This is to be typed in Pages on their iPad.
Your support in reading through and discussing their report
is always helpful and helps your child to know that you are interested in their
Edmodo – I
have asked that your child checks Edmodo every night when possible. This is a
closed group in which the students are able to contact each other to ask
relevant school work questions as well as complete set tasks.
I would love it if you could ask your child to show you our Year 6 Edmodo page over the next couple of days.
Musical –
our Musical for this year will be held in on the 25th and 26th
June in Term 2. Further details will follow closer to the date. We will be in
touch seeking assistance with costuming, make up, hair etc.
Music with Mrs
Horrocks (Guitar) – this year the Year 6 students will be learning the
guitar. They will begin in Week 3. There are several second-hand ones to be
found around the school. Please contact Mrs Horrocks with any questions directly.
– if you need to get in touch with me; email is usually the best option. If you wish to request a meeting with me; come
in and see me, pop a note in your child’s diary or send me an email.
Class Dojo
– thank you everyone for signing up. I appreciate the positive feedback that I am
getting and I know that the kids are loving it as well! I am sure that they love the fact that you can
check in on them throughout the day!!
If you do need to contact me, email is
preferable rather than using the Class Dojo Messaging System. I do check this
regularly however.
School Rules
Feedback – as the leadership class the Year 6 students will be involved
in the coming week with discussing and evaluating our school rules. We feel it
is vital for the students to put forward their opinions on these important
In the next couple of days, the students will be asked to fill in a
survey on their opinions. It would be fantastic if you could initiate
conversation with your child over the next few days about the importance of our
school values and their thoughts on linking them with our school rules.
Lastly, if you can keep Sam Chandler and her family in your
thoughts and prayers. Sam was involved in a parachuting accident last weekend
and is in Perth currently receiving treatment and recuperating.
Understandably this is a difficult time for the Chandler family,
Sebastian in particular. If you can limit your questions about the incident or
Sam’s recovery to Alan or myself it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch
with me via email or pop in and say hi.
Thanks for a wonderful week,