Chrism Mass - Bunbury

Yesterday the Year 6 students and I travelled to the St Patrick's Cathedral in Bunbury to celebrate Mass with all of the other Year 6 students in the Bunbury Diocese. At this Mass we participated in the blessing of the Chrism Oil that will be used for our students when they make their Confirmation later in the year. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the special Sacrament the students will be undertaking. The sign of Confirmation is the Oil of Chrism, the most sacred of the oils. During the Confirmation ceremony, a person is anointed on the forehead with Chrism. As the oil is absorbed by the body, it is a sign of how the confirmed person is filled with the Holy Spirit. Chrism is olive oil mixed with a perfume so that it can never be confused with the other holy oils. The Power of the sacraments is the power of Christ's Resurrection. Each year, therefore, Chrism is consecrated, and the Oils of the Sick and Catechumens are blessed, in Holy Week as part of...