Homework - Week 5
Here is
the Homework that has been assigned for this week Tuesday 3rd March - Friday 6th March..
As part of our learning in class I am working to develop independent work habits. I ask that you support these endeavours by encouraging your child to develop good homework habits. You can assist by ensuring that your child has time set aside each day to complete their set work.
Each week I will load the set homework for the week so that you are aware of what needs to be completed each night.
Reading –I ask that the students read
for a maximum of 15 minutes each night. If possible, can you ask your child to
read out loud to you regularly? It is a great way to show your interest in
their learning and it is beneficial for your child to hear themselves. It also
helps them to correct any mistakes, as well as giving them practise for our
Assemblies etc.
Please make sure that your child writes the name of
the book they are reading and the number of pages read in their diary in the
appropriate space.
Diary –the students are given time
every day to write all appropriate notes in their diary. This is an important
communication tool for all. It is also an important skill to have in terms of
time management and personal organisational skills. It also helps to keep you
apprised of upcoming events.
I ask that you check your child’s diary each night
and sign it. I also use the
diary as a way to let you know how your child is going or if I need to see you?
Maths –
IXL– each
day the students will be assigned an IXL Maths task to complete at home that
night. These tasks are aligned to our learning in class and provide a way to
practise and consolidate the skills from our classwork.
Tuesday – H.2 – Multiply Whole Numbers: Word Problems
Wednesday – H.3 Multiply Numbers ending in Zeroes.
Thursday – H.4 – Multiply Numbers ending in Zeroes: Word Problems.
This is done to a maximum of 10 minutes.
Spelling -students will complete a Look,
Say, Cover, Write, Check of all of their list words using the given framework.
I ask that their words are corrected, either by you or by the student.
They will also need to complete one activity each
night using the given Spelling Activities Rubric.
BTN – each Wednesday in class we
will watch the current Behind the News episode. As a class we discuss the focus
story and collaborate together to produce the main ideas and supporting
information. As the year progresses, I will withdraw the scaffolding provided
during these times.
Your child is asked to complete a Written Report
for the given story. This will be due the following Wednesday. This is to be
typed in Pages on their iPad.
Your support in reading through and discussing
their report is always helpful and helps your child to know that you are
interested in their learning.
Here is the link to the Behind the News website http://www.abc.net.au/btn/stories.htm
Edmodo – I have asked that your child
checks Edmodo every night when possible. This is a closed group in which the
students are able to contact each other to ask relevant school work questions
as well as complete set tasks.