Week 9 Is Here!

Good afternoon everyone,
Here is the Homework that has been assigned for this week 

Monday 30th March - Thursday 2nd April.

Reading –I ask that the students read for a maximum of 15 minutes each night. If possible, can you ask your child to read out loud to you regularly? 
Please make sure that your child writes the name of the book they are reading and the number of pages read in their diary in the appropriate space.
Diary –the students are given time every day to write all appropriate notes in their diary. This is an important communication tool for all. It is also an important skill to have in terms of time management and personal organisational skills. It also helps to keep you apprised of upcoming events.
If we are rushed at the end of the day I am happy for the students to take a photo of the board and then fill in their diary later that night.
I ask that you check your child’s diary each night and sign it. I also use the diary as a way to let you know how your child is going or if I need to see you?

Maths – IXL– each day the students will be assigned an IXL Maths task to complete at home that night. These tasks are aligned to our learning in class and provide a way to practise and consolidate the skills from our classwork.
  • Monday – E.3 Add and Subtract Money Amounts; Word Problems
  • Tuesday – E.4 Multiply money by whole numbers
  • Wednesday – E.5 Multiply money: word problems
  • Thursday- E.6 Divide money amounts.
This is done to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Spelling -students will complete a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check of all of their list words using the given framework. I ask that their words are corrected, either by you or by the student.
They will also need to complete one activity each night using the given Spelling Activities Rubric.

BTN – there will be no report assigned this week. The students will complete an in-class quiz instead.

Edmodo – I have asked that your child checks Edmodo every night when possible. This is a closed group in which the students are able to contact each other to ask relevant school work questions as well as complete set tasks.
Important Information - 
Holy Week - reflections will be shared by each class beginning Monday and concluding on Thursday. All reflections will begin at 9.15am.
On Wednesday 1st April, the Year 6 students will be presenting our reflection on Good Friday. It would be great to see as many of you there as possible. Students are to come to school dressed in simple clothes reflective of the time of Jesus. They can wear this over the top of their uniform.
Chrism Mass - on Tuesday 31st March, the Year 6 students will travel to Bunbury to join other local schools to celebrate the Chrism Mass. If you have not yet returned your child's permission slip, I ask that you do this as soon as possible.
They will need to wear their normal school uniform - not the sport uniform. Please make sure that your child's uniform and hair is neat and tidy and they have polished their shoes.
Easter Egg Raffle - thank you to those families that have already made their donation and returned raffle tickets! This is always such a fun time and we appreciate the support that you give in donating eggs and purchasing tickets. Please make sure you put your name on your raffle tickets and return them by Wednesday morning at the latest.
Feedback Forms - thank you to those that have returned the forms that were sent home last Friday. I hope that you enjoyed the chance to sit with your child and go through their learning, it is a great chance for them to add more detail to what you can see in their books and around our room. 
If you have not completed the form, can I ask that you do so and return as soon as possible.
Thank You!
I would like to conclude with saying a huge thank you to you all. I have loved working with these amazing young people this term and I am very much looking forward to the rest of the year. I appreciate the support that you are giving to myself and your child on this learning journey together, it is greatly appreciated.
I would like to wish you and your beautiful families a safe and happy Easter.
Kindest regards,

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