Week 6 Update

Good afternoon,
Here is the Homework that has been assigned for this week:

Monday 25th May - Friday 29th  May - Week 6
Reading –10-15 minutes each night.

RAZ KIDS - I have set a Flight Check for the students to be completed by Tuesday 2nd June.

Diary –the students are given time every day to write all appropriate notes in their diary. They are also able to take a photo if needed and then write their homework in at home.
I ask that you check your child’s diary each night and sign it

Maths – IXL– each day the students will be assigned an IXL Maths task to complete at home that night. These tasks are aligned to our learning in class and provide a way to practise and consolidate the skills from our classwork.

  • Monday - G.9
  • Tuesday - Year 5 - E.2
  • Wednesday - Year 5 - E.3 
  • Thursday - Year 5 E.4 
This is done to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Times Tables - Focus is on 7 Times Tables this week. I sent home a link for an App to be downloaded that will help speed up recall of given tables.

This is to be done to a maximum of 5 minutes each night - Students will be asked to record their score in their diary each night.

Spelling -students will complete a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check of all of their list words using the given framework. I ask that their words are corrected, either by you or by the student.
They will also need to complete one activity each night using the given Spelling Activities Rubric.

This term the students have been asked to add 5 "Conquer Words" to their weekly spelling lists. These words have come from their writing and are words that need a little further work to make sure they become embedded correctly.

I have re-tested the students on their PLD Spelling words. A large number students have moved groups which is great to see. We discussed as a class the importance of keeping focussed on learning and understanding the phonic concept for each week as well as making sure that they are applying the strategy to their words.

We also discussed the importance of increased focus the next 5 weeks before the next test to really pin down those phonic concepts that might be missing.

BTN - This week's task is an Edmodo Quiz. Students are allowed to watch the given episode again and I have asked that they make sure that in their answers they are using full sentences, as well as correct spelling and punctuation where appropriate. 

This is due in on Wednesday 27th May by 11.30am.

Some students are not completing the assigned tasks each week. If there is a reason for your child not having their report in or quiz completed, please write a note in their diary.

Writing - Camp Recounts - We have been working on these in class and I am trying to give students as much time as possible to complete them. They may be sent home for students to work on if they have time

Edmodo – I have asked that your child checks Edmodo every night when possible. This is a closed group in which the students are able to contact each other to ask relevant school work questions as well as complete set tasks.
Important Events

This week on Thursday 28th May at 9am, there will be a small paraliturgy in the Hall to farewell Mr Morrison before he leaves for the US. It would be wonderful to see as many Year 6 parents there as possible.

On Friday 29th May at 9am, the Year 6 students will be presenting their Prayer Assembly. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated.

During Assembly this week, we will be sharing some of our Camp experiences as well as presenting a small gift to our fabulous Camp helpers. Once again, it would be wonderful to see as many parents in attendance as possible! 

Parent Interviews - I am just needing to catch up with those few parents that I have not seen as yet. If you can please email me with a time to meet I would be appreciative.

Have a fantastic week and enjoy the long weekend!

Mrs Delane

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