Uniform Policy Reminder

Good morning parents,

I would appreciate it if you could please take some time in the coming days to check your child's uniform to make sure that it is compliant with our School Policy.

For the boys - please make sure that hair cuts are an appropriate length and that their hair is washed regularly. Fringes that are below the brow line will be pinned back. Hair that falls below collar length must be tied back. Socks must be grey or all white with no markings.

For the girls - please make sure that no nail polish is worn to school and that hair is tied back appropriately. Socks must be white with no markings and must be the appropriate length (no low cut). Please check the length of your daughter's skirt to make sure that with their sudden growth spurt it has not become too short.

I have attached a link to our website which outlines our Uniform Policy. 


Have a wonderful week!


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