Mindfulness Wrap Up

Good afternoon Parents,

Please see the email below from Jo Edmonds who undertook our Mindfulness learning this term.



Dear Dear Parents/Carers,

I feel privileged to have been welcomed into the year 6 class to share mindfulness.

We have taken a journey to explore how to build healthier, happier brains through considering and understanding emotion, compassion, mindfulness and meditation.
We presented the students a simplistic understanding of how the brain is wired and in turn, how our emotions, when negative, can affect and cloud our thinking. One tool for mindfulness we practiced was belly breathing as a way to calm down.

Through mindfulness, we can learn ways to calm down when we are upset, allowing us to make better decisions, have clarity to think and help better regulate our emotions resulting in healthier, happier brains.
We introduced the students to new ABC’s for mindfulness. Attention, Balance and Compassion. Your children were introduced to mindful eating and we also investigated mindful movement through taking the children on a silent walk and asking them to share what they “noticed”. We discovered another form of mindful movement through Tai Chi.

In our last session, we integrated all our mindfulness learning into powering for our best performance. We also looked at the mindfulness pyramid (similar to the healthy eating pyramid), a tool the students can use for powering themselves for their best performance.

We have given the students some handouts to take home with them and trust that they have enjoyed the journey of mindfulness. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any queries or thoughts about the journey for your children. I would also like to thank Caitlin Delane and OLC for allowing me to share this passion and to Rochelle Randles my wonderful Psychology student who is also on a learning journey.

Joanne Edmond
B.A. Psychology, P.G. Dip Psychology, MAPS

Mobile: 0428 717 365      Joedmond_core@hotmail.com

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