Week 9...The Last Post

Good afternoon,

Wow...what a few weeks it has been! The end of the year has finally come and we are enjoying our last week together before we break for Christmas.

Just a few notes...

Thank You - I can't express how incredibly grateful I am for your generous gift! I was blown away and was a sobbing mess by time I had finished the card! Thank you so very much!!!!!!!!

Graduation - thank you also to all your support on Friday night. We shared a beautiful mass and then went on to enjoy an amazing Mexican Fiesta! The students are writing letters of thanks to all the Year 5 parents that were involved in making such a memorable event. I will send an email to all Year 5 parents on behalf of the Year 6 parent group expressing our thanks for such a wonderful night.

OLC Awards Presentation Night - this is on tonight beginning at 5.30pm. We ask that students come dressed in 'Christmasy' themed clothes for tonight. All students need to be lined up outside of the Hall ready by 5.25pm. Please do not get your child there too early as I am not free to supervise your child as I will be finalising the last couple of things for tonight! 

End of Year School Picnic - this will be held on Thursday 10th December. A note was sent home last week outlining the reasons for the date change. Please note that you will need to sign and return a permission slip for your child to enter the water. If you do not return this slip by Thursday your child will not be allowed in the water at all.

Year Books & Autograph Books - we will finish off our Graduation page this week so please send in any photos if you wish. I will make sure that the students have time to get their Autograph Books signed as well.

Homework for Week 9

As it is a very busy time of the year and the kids are exhausted I have scaled back homework this week. 

Reading - students are asked to read for 15-20 minutes each night and write this in their diary.

Maths - students can work on their assigned Mathletics tasks for the week for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Diary - I ask that their diary is filled in and signed each night.

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs Delane 

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