Term 4, Week 3

Hi Parents and Students,

I can’t believe it is already Week 3!

Quote of the Week:

Confirmation Home Mass:
Tuesday, 30th October, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
All Year 6 students (no siblings please) are invited to attend.
Please arrive at 5:20pm for a prompt start.
Bring a plate of food with you on the night. Boys = savoury, girls = sweet.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Please keep the Year 3 classes in your prayers as they receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Wednesday night.

Interschool Carnival:
Due to the weather last week, the carnival will now be held this Thursday. Weather is looking the goods so good luck to all of the Year 6’s that are representing the school.

Mary MacKillop College General Ability Testing Morning:
A letter has been sent home today regarding the Test that all prospective Mary MacKillop Students sit. The purpose of the test is to give the school an idea of where your child’s ability sits with the rest of the students so they can be placed in classes that suit their learning needs. This is in addition to the handover meeting I will have with the Year 7 Coordinator next week. Please return the permission slip ASAP. Cheers!

Under this section you will find the literacy learning intentions for the week.

CAFÉ-R (Traits of good readers)
We will focusing on predicting. As we read, it is important to think about what we read and to work out what we think will happen next.

Voices (Traits of good writers)
The students have worked really well over the last 2 weeks. We have written a paragraph to describe the setting of our narratives as well as a paragraph to develop our character. We will now begin to draft the rest of our narratives.

Under this section you will find the Numeracy learning intentions for the week.

We are exploring the transformation, tessellation and symmetry of shapes this week.

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Mr Jones

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