Week 3 - Confirmation Information

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to a very special week in Silver Room!

As you are aware our Confirmation candidates will be confirmed on Sunday 7th August at 9am. All students are to be there by 8.50am at the latest. We ask that all students and their families come along to support the candidates.

Please see below for information regarding this week.

Wednesday 3rd August - Confirmation Retreat

We will be in the Hall on Wednesday from 9am enjoying our special retreat with Sue Barton. This will be a shared morning tea and lunch

All food can be taken directly to the canteen to be kept cold. A very big thank you to Alicia Higgins for coordinating this for us!

After lunch we will travel by bus to the Church to have a practise for Sunday morning. Here we will run through seating arrangements, the sponsors role and the Rite of Confirmation.

Please make sure that your child shares this information with you, it will be especially helpful to pass it on to your child's sponsor so that they know what to do on Sunday.

Thursday 4th August - 

We will travel by bus to attend Reconciliation in the Church at 9.30am. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to reflect on the Sacrament of Confirmation and what it means to them.

After recess we will be joined by Fr Tony, he will spend time talking with the children and getting to know them as well as answering any questions that they may have.

Friday 5th August - 

At 1.30pm we will travel to the Church for a final rehearsal for Sunday.

Dress Requirements - 

Please make sure that your child comes dressed in their 'Sunday Best'. We ask that no denim is worn. 

In our discussions today, I have told the children if they are not sure of their outfit that they can take a photo to show it to me to make sure that they are dressed appropriately for the day.

Ensure that your child has their sash pinned securely to their right shoulder before they arrive, they will receive a pin to commemorate their Confirmation on arrival.

Seating - 

You will have allocated seating with your family name displayed. Please make sure that the candidate is seated closest to the aisle with their sponsor next to them followed by parents and siblings. Please bear in mind that pews can only seat 4-6 people. There is extra seating available at the rear of the church for any other family members that have come to celebrate.

I am looking forward to a wonderful week with these beautiful children in preparation for Sunday, if you have any questions, please contact me directly.

Many thanks,

Mrs Delane 

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