Week 5 Update

Good afternoon,

Welcome to Week 5!

It has been a fantastic term so far with so many great things happening.

Absentee Notes - Can I please ask that any absentees that have not been followed up with a written note are given in to me as soon as possible. It is very important that I keep up with these important documents.

Pupil Free Day - Just a reminder that this Friday 19th August will be a Pupil Free Day. All staff will be attending the Capes Conference at St Mary MacKillop. This is a fantastic opportunity for the OLC staff to listen to presentations by staff in our region who are doing amazing things in education. 

We are very proud of Miss Monique Prowse, Mr Adrian Torrese and Mr Sean McSevich who have been asked to present at this year's conference. 


In the busyness of preparing for Confirmation we also had the team from Surf Life Saving WA come out and spend a morning with us reviewing some basic First Aid as well as reminding us of DRSABCD. We were able to practice CPR on the mannequins which is always a valuable skill!

This is a fantastic initiative between the SLSWA and Catholic schools, the students found it to be very beneficial and they gained valuable skills that may come in useful one day.

In our Literacy time, we have begun writing a Recount of our Confirmation Day experience, we discussed all the highlights of the day and the students are in the process of drafting and publishing their good copies. We will send these to Fr Ian so that he can read them and get a sense of what an amazing day it was!

This is also great practice for the students in writing to a different audience other than me!

We have also been looking at some different types of poetry and the students have blown me away with the amazing pieces they have created!

We have also continued to work on our Report Writing skills through the viewing of BTN. This provides the students with an opportunity to practise their note taking skills as well as summarising what they have watched. As always I am very impressed with the growth that I continue to see in the work that they are producing.

On Friday we celebrated a lovely prayer service reflecting on the the Assumption of Mary and her special influence on our school. It was lovely and we are grateful to those parents that were able to attend.

Thank you all very much for sending in the donations to be used as prizes at our Popsicle Pick stall. The students loved it and we sold out very quickly! All money raised is used to help and support those in need which is an excellent way for the students to live our values.

After our prayer service had concluded we celebrated receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation with a delicious cake which Mrs Sweeny very kindly organised. It was delicious!


Please see below the Homework that has been assigned for this week.

Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words and the Phonological Activity on the A3 sheet.

Complete Day 1 of Unit 24 of Think Mentals on Page 73-74 Including the Think Box activity on Page 74.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.


Year Book – Writing and collecting photos, planning for the assigned pages.

Shrek – Listening to the songs on the CD they were given.
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words and the Visual Activity on the A3 sheet.

Complete Day 2 of Unit 24 of Think Mentals on Page 73-74 – Including the Think Box activity on Page 74.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.


Year Book – Writing and collecting photos, planning for the assigned pages.

Shrek – Listening to the songs on the CD they were given.
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words and the Morphemic Activity on the A3 sheet.

Complete Day 3 of Unit 24 of Think Mentals on Page 73-74 – Including the Think Box activity on Page 74.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.


Year Book – Writing and collecting photos, planning for the assigned pages.

Shrek – Listening to the songs on the CD they were given.
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words.

Complete Day 4 of Unit 24 of Think Mentals on Page 73-74 – Including the Think Box activity on Page 74.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.


Year Book – Writing and collecting photos, planning for the assigned pages.

Shrek – Listening to the songs on the CD they were given.

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs Delane 

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