Welcome to Week 6

Good morning,

I would like to start off by offering my congratulations to all of the parents and students involved in the Simmo's Family Party. It was a fantastic event that was very well supported by our amazing students. They sounded phenomenal...great work by the roadies too! It was so great to see our students willing to help out their community using their talents.

A few reminders for the coming weeks:

St Mary MacKillop Orientation Day - this is on Wednesday 23rd November. You will have received information from MacKillop directly. Students will make their way directly to MacKillop on Wednesday morning. Any students not attending MacKillop will come to school as normal.

Milo T20 Cricket Carnival - Please make sure that you child has returned their permission slip. This will be held on Friday 18th November. Please make sure that your child has plenty of food and water for the day and has applied sunscreen before leaving home.

Graduation - Preparations are well under way. Please make sure that you have returned your RSVP note for catering purposes.

Remembrance Day - Last week a group of Year 6 students led the school beautifully in our Remembrance Day service. Thank you to those parents that were able to attend. During the week the Year 6 students helped to make poppies for a group of Seniors who were celebrating Seniors Week. They wore our poppies on their bus trip down to Augusta!

Peace Poster Competition - Congratulations to Molly, her poster was selected as the winner to be sent off to the International selection panel. We wish her all the best. There were some fantastic works of art created!

Congratulations to all students...the quality was very high and many staff commented to me that it was very difficult to pick a winner.


Please see below the homework that has been assigned for this week:

Reading - Read for 10-15 minutes each night and have this written in your diary to be signed by parents.
Spelling - No Monday homework
Maths - Complete Pages 4-5 of New Wave Mental Book 6
Mathletics - Spend 10 minutes working through the assigned tasks.
Year Book - Work through assigned pages.

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs Delane 

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