Week 8 - Graduation Week!

Good morning and welcome to Week 8!

I hope that you all had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather on the weekend!

Just a few reminders for this week:

Excursion Notes - Please make sure that all notes and money are returned by Friday 2nd December.

If you would like to join us for the afternoon at Xscape, please feel free to do so. Just a reminder that we will conclude the day at 4pm. Please be prompt in picking up your child.

A reminder that our excursion is on Wednesday 7th December. We will leave school promptly at 8.30am. Your child can come in free dress for the day.

Board and P & F AGM - Please make sure that you come along to support this important event. It will begin at 6.30pm.

Book Week - what an amazing event, thank you all for helping the students to enjoy this last book week at OLC. The costumes were amazing! There were certainly some very interesting creations around the Australian Story theme! 


It is an exciting week as our Graduation Ceremony is on Friday 2nd December. Mass will begin promptly at 5.30pm. I ask that your child is there by 5.20pm at the latest so that I can make sure I have everyone. We will be walking down to the Church on Wednesday and Friday to practise.

Dress is smart casual.

We expect that Mass will conclude by 7pm once we have announced our book award winners, handed out Graduation certificates and had a group photo.

The evening festivities will begin at 7.15pm. We ask that you make your way to the Hall from Mass as quickly as possible. I understand that some families may be dropping younger children at home so please get there when you can.

It is BYO alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages. As it is a family event we ask that you drink responsibly.

We will be having our final assembly on Friday 9th December beginning at 9am if you can please mark this date in your diaries. It would be great to have as many parents there as possible.

The students are still working very hard in class and will continue to do so right up until the very end of term! They are heads down drafting their informative text as well as working on an in-class history activity. 

This week I have not assigned any homework other than reading and Mathletics. They have also been given a special task to work on...please encourage them to work on it and ask no questions :) 

Year Books are due tomorrow with all pages completed except for Graduation and our excursion on Wednesday.

Have a fantastic week,

Mrs Delane 

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