Welcome to Week 3
Good afternoon,
Welcome to the start of a new week!
A huge thank you to you all for making sure that your child is prepared for swimming each day. The students are enjoying their lessons and are working hard when we come back to the school, they are a great advertisement for our school!
Mass - Friday 17th February - we will be celebrating our whole school mass on Friday...we will be walking down to church for Mass to begin at 9.30am. Our student leaders will be receiving their badges that have been blessed during Mass, it would be wonderful to see as many parents as possible in attendance.
Swimming Trials and Carnival - these will be held on Tuesday 21st February - further details will follow. Please make sure that your child comes with their swimming gear on this day. Our carnival will be on Thursday 23rd February at Geographe Leisure Centre.
Headphones - please make sure that your child has a pair of headphones that can come to school - preferably that can stay here. A simple pair from Coles will be great, it is important that they have access to a pair each Monday and Friday to complete their weekly spelling test.
iCard Sort - Please check that your child has received an email from Mrs Johnson to download this app.
Last week in our literacy lessons, we began looking at the purpose and structure of narratives and we had a great time sharing stories that have loved. I have asked students to bring in a narrative that they love or a screenshot of the cover that we can use in class. This week we will be looking at the language features used by good writers to make their narratives engaging and entertaining.
During our maths learning we have been reviewing place value. We have reviewed how to identify what a number's place value is as well as identifying its value. We were also looking at expanding numbers, writing numbers using digits and then digits from numbers.
Reading - Read for 10-15 minutes each day. This is to be written in their diary and signed each night.
Spelling - Complete a LCWC of all list words and create your sort including a title of Week 3 Spelling, your headings and all list words. Check your email for one from Mrs Johnson.
Mental Maths - Complete Unit 3 Days 1-4 on pages 9-10 of Think Mentals Book 6.
BTN - Edmodo Quiz. This is to be completed by Wednesday 15th February. Please take a moment to read through the sample answer success criteria with your child. We discussed this as a class last week.
Have a great week,