Week 4 Update

Good morning,

Welcome to Week 4, I hope that you had a chance to enjoy the gorgeous weather over the weekend!

Whole School Mass - A big thank you to all the parents that were able to make it to Mass on Friday morning. I was very impressed with the students and the leadership that they showed. I have added some of the photos that were taken to the blog and I will get them to the students individually over the coming days. Here are a few!


Headphones - please make sure your child has a pair to be used at school.

Swimming Trials - these are on tomorrow morning (21st February). We will leave school at 9.20am and return at approximately 11am. Your child can wear their sports uniform - don't forget thongs and will need towels, goggles etc in their bag. The day will continue as normal once we return to school so please make sure that they bring their iPad and homework etc.

Swimming Carnival - this will be held this Thursday 21st February at GLC in Busselton. We will leave by 9.30am on Thursday. Please remind your child to bring their guitar for their lesson in the afternoon.

Leavers Shirts - these are due in by Friday 23rd February. It is important that I get these off to Hip Pocket by Monday morning. Any delays in having all shirts in will mean a delay in getting them back. The cost for the printing is $11 and can be given to me or paid via EFTPOS through the office. If you can please make sure that your child's shirt is clearly labelled with their name.


Please see below for the homework that has been assigned for Week 4.

Reading - 10-15 minutes per night. This needs to be written in their diary and brought to you to be signed each night.

Spelling - Complete a LCWC of all list words and create their iCard sort for the week.

Mental Maths - Complete Unit 1 Days 1-4 of Think Mentals Book 6 on Pages 11/12.

BTN - Edmodo Quiz (given on Wednesday 22nd Feb). This quiz is to be completed by Wednesday 1st March.

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs Delane 

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