Welcome to Week 7
Good morning parents, Welcome to Week 7, it is shaping up to be a busy one! REMINDERS - WEEK 7 The Little Mermaid Musical - Rehearsals are going well and the kids are feeling really comfortable. It has been great to see them getting the chance to try their costumes on and practice with the microphones. There is a few colds, sore throats and coughs going around at the moment so if your child is unwell please keep them home for a day or two to help them to be at their best for next week! Father's Day Breakfast - Is on this Friday morning, 1st September. Please make sure that you have RSVP'd . They are still calling for helpers if you can spare the time. Shoebox Appeal - Just a reminder that you need to send in a personal hygiene item, something special (small teddy etc.) and $2.50 as soon as possible. Absentee Notes - I have sent home absentee notes with your child. Please make sure that you have filled them in with a reason for their absence, your signature ...