Week 6 Update
Good afternoon parents,
Welcome back to Week 6, it was lovely to get a little bit of sunshine yesterday and this morning!
School Photos - these are on this Thursday (24/8/17) and Friday (25/8/17). A schedule will be finalised and released tomorrow advising of photo times. There will be leadership and sport captain photos on these days as well
Please note students are expected to wear their full winter uniform (including their jumper) on both Thursday and Friday and to make sure they are neatly groomed for each day.
Can I ask that you please pay particular attention to getting hair cuts as needed and that shoes get an extra polish this week.
General Dress Standard - Just a gentle reminder that students should be wearing predominantly white sneakers on our sports days as per our current uniform policy.
Coloured sneakers and skate shoes are not to be worn.
If there is an issue with any part of your child's uniform please write a note explaining the issue with the understanding that it will be rectified as soon as possible.
Absentee Notes - those students with outstanding absentee notes were given them today. Can I ask that you please fill them in and return them tomorrow. This is a legal document that is required as soon as possible after your child has returned to school.
Operation Shoebox Appeal - It is the time of year when we ask for the support of the OLC community to help children in need by providing items that can be packaged in shoeboxes and sent to those in need.
Students will need to bring in a hygiene item and a special token item appropriate for the given age and gender for their child.
Spelling - LCWC for all list words. Please make sure their work is being done neatly.
Mental Maths - Unit 23 of Think Mentals Book 6 - Pages 70-72 including the Think Box activity.
Year Books - This is due Week 6 of Term 4 and will be worked on in class during our musical rehearsals and at home.
Mrs Delane
Welcome back to Week 6, it was lovely to get a little bit of sunshine yesterday and this morning!
School Photos - these are on this Thursday (24/8/17) and Friday (25/8/17). A schedule will be finalised and released tomorrow advising of photo times. There will be leadership and sport captain photos on these days as well
Please note students are expected to wear their full winter uniform (including their jumper) on both Thursday and Friday and to make sure they are neatly groomed for each day.
Can I ask that you please pay particular attention to getting hair cuts as needed and that shoes get an extra polish this week.
General Dress Standard - Just a gentle reminder that students should be wearing predominantly white sneakers on our sports days as per our current uniform policy.
Coloured sneakers and skate shoes are not to be worn.
If there is an issue with any part of your child's uniform please write a note explaining the issue with the understanding that it will be rectified as soon as possible.
Absentee Notes - those students with outstanding absentee notes were given them today. Can I ask that you please fill them in and return them tomorrow. This is a legal document that is required as soon as possible after your child has returned to school.
Operation Shoebox Appeal - It is the time of year when we ask for the support of the OLC community to help children in need by providing items that can be packaged in shoeboxes and sent to those in need.
This year we will have a combined effort between
the Year 4, 5 and 6 classrooms to donate items that can be used to package the
In Year 6 all students will provide 2 items for the shoebox and $2.50 to pay for the postage of
the boxes.
Check out the link below for hints and further information:
Family Camp Artwork - All students in Years 5-6 are being given the opportunity to design a piece of art that will be used on this year's family camp hats. If your child would like their submission to be considered it needs to be handed to me by Friday 31st August at the latest.
Mission Markets - A very big thank you for your kind donations to our annual markets. This year the students were asked to help their PP and Kindy buddies to go through the markets and make their purchases. They were all so helpful and caring and it was really beautiful to see.
They were also instrumental in getting the whole day set up and organised to run as smoothly as it did. I was incredibly proud of all of them!
This week in our writing lessons we have continued working on our modeled piece of writing in the Information Report genre. Students are now moving to publishing their writing before moving on to plan, research and draft their own Information Report on their pet.
In our Reading Comprehension lessons we have been looking at reading samples of Information Reports with a focus on asking and answering questions as well as summarising to review meaning as well as identifying the main idea and supporting details.
Our grammar lessons have been looking at adverbs which usually tell us more about verbs. We finished last week with looking at adverbs that tell us how - these are called adverbs of manner and also include - adverbs of time, adverbs of number and adverbs of degree. We read a great myth about Atalanta, Melanion and The Golden Apples which help us to learn more about these! We also looked at how adverbs can be used to compare.
In our Maths lessons we have been looking at identifying 2D shapes and their properties as well as looking at their similarities and differences in relation to side length and angles.
If your child is looking for more activities to extend or consolidate their understanding of these topics, they are more than welcome to go onto Mathletics as there is a variety of tasks allocated that can help them to review, extend or consolidate their understanding.
Reading - 10-15 minutes written in their diary and signed.
Spelling - LCWC for all list words. Please make sure their work is being done neatly.
Mental Maths - Unit 23 of Think Mentals Book 6 - Pages 70-72 including the Think Box activity.
Have a great week!
Mrs Delane