A Final Word for the Term!

Good afternoon, I thought I would do this one on its own as there are so many things to be said! Aladdin - Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for all of your support this semester and particularly throughout Aladdin. The children were amazing and I am so very proud of them all! Thank you for my lovely gift, it was very kind. Thank you to all of our amazing helpers, it was great working with you all and we are so appreciative of all that was done! If you donated any props to be used in the play, they are in the Hall ready to be collected. Thank you once again! Confirmation 2015 - If you have not sent in your paperwork, can I please ask that you do this a s soon as possible . I need to get it all collated ready for Father Ian. Also, please make sure that you are working on your letter to be given to your child at the Confirmation Retreat. This is extremely important for the children to receive and they treas...