Week 10 Has Arrived - Important Information!

Good morning,
Here is the modified Homework that has been assigned for this week. 

Monday 22nd June - Friday 26th June

Reading –10-15 minutes each night.

Diary –the students are given time every day to write all appropriate notes in their diary. They are also able to take a photo if needed and then write their homework in at home.
I ask that you check your child’s diary each night and sign it

Maths – There is no Maths set for this week due to Aladdin.

Times Tables - Focus is on 11 Times Tables this week. 

This is to be done to a maximum of 5 minutes each night Students will be asked to record their score in their diary each night.

Spelling -students will complete a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check of all of their list words using the given framework. I ask that their words are corrected, either by you or by the student.

ABC Order

Prefixes and Suffixes

Dictionary Definitions – 5 Words

Sentences – 5 Words

Important Information!

Grandparents Day - This Wednesday 24th June OLC will be celebrating Grandparents Day. We invite all Grandparents that are able to make it to come and join us from 9 - 10.30am. Students will complete activities with their Grandparents and share with them some of the amazing work that they have been doing. If you have not already done so, can I ask that you encourage your child to ask their Grandparent(s) to join them for this special day.

Year 1 & 6 Buddies Mass - Last Wednesday we attended Mass at the church with our Year 1 Buddies. I was very proud of all the students, the care and reverence that they exhibited was outstanding. It was a very enjoyable experience for all! Thank you to the parents that attended, it was lovely to have you there!

Confirmation Paperwork - There is a Confirmation Card that needs to be filled out and returned as well as the Parish list for Sacraments received. If you can please fill those in and return them to me with the $25 to cover Confirmation costs as soon as possible I would be most appreciative. Thank you to those that have already done this.

Aladdin Dress Rehearsal - this will be held on Tuesday afternoon beginning at 1.30pm. Please make sure that your child has all the required items for their costume on this day. If you have spoken with Maureen or myself about assisting can you please make sure that you are here by 12pm. Thank you!

Aladdin - For our performances for Thursday and Friday night, we ask that all students come with foundation already applied. We will add in the other details but it would be fantastic if all students already had the base applied. Mrs Horrocks will speak to the students this afternoon about other requirements for the performance.

If your child is particularly tired on Friday morning - please feel free to keep them at home a little longer and send them in a bit later. If this occurs, please send me an email to let me know so that I can mark my attendance accordingly.

Our learning will progress as normal but with consideration for the unusually late night the previous evening. 

Today I have sent home a note seeking permission for your child to watch the movie Big Hero 6 on Friday afternoon. It is rated PG so a permission slip is required. If you can please sign and return it to school as soon as possible. If I don't receive a permission slip your child will note be permitted to watch the movie.

I have said that bean bags, pillows, popcorn (already popped) and a small bag of lollies are allowed with your permission. 

Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday night!

Mrs Delane

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