Welcome to Week 8!

Good morning,
Here is the Homework that has been assigned for this week:

Monday 8th June - Friday 12th June - Week 8 

Reading –10-15 minutes each night.

Diary –the students are given time every day to write all appropriate notes in their diary. They are also able to take a photo if needed and then write their homework in at home.
I ask that you check your child’s diary each night and sign it

Maths – These tasks are aligned to our learning in class and provide a way to practise and consolidate the skills from our classwork. This week we will be working from our Stepping Stones Practice Book.

  • Monday - Module 3.3 Page 20
  • Tuesday - Module 3.7 Page 23
  • Wednesday - Module 3.12 Page 27 - Questions 2 & 3 only
  • Thursday - Module 4.2 Page 28 -Questions 2 & 3 only
This is done to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Times Tables - Focus is on 4 Times Tables this week. I sent home a link for an App to be downloaded that will help speed up recall of given tables.

This is to be done to a maximum of 5 minutes each night Students will be asked to record their score in their diary each night.

Spelling -students will complete a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check of all of their list words using the given framework. I ask that their words are corrected, either by you or by the student.
ABC Order
Prefixes and Suffixes
Dictionary Definitions – 5 Words
Sentences – 5 Words

BTN - This week's task is an Edmodo Quiz. Students are allowed to watch the given episode again and I have asked that they make sure that in their answers they are using full sentences, as well as correct spelling and punctuation where appropriate. 

This is due in on Wednesday 10th June by 11.30am.

Some students are not completing the assigned tasks each week. If there is a reason for your child not having their report in or quiz completed, please write a note in their diary.
Important Events

Confirmation - Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 10th June at 7pm in Silver Room. All parent/s whose child will be making their Confirmation must attend. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend.

Enrolment Mass - This will be on Saturday 13th June at 6pm at Our Lady of the Southern Cross. All students who are making their Confirmation must attend as well as those students acting in a Prayer Buddy capacity. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend.

Confirmation itself will be on Saturday 8th August at 6pm. Please advise me as soon as possible if your child will not be receiving this Sacrament on this date.

Cross Country - is on this Thursday 11th June beginning at 9am. Please come along and show your support if you are able.

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs Delane

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