Week 9 Update
Good morning,
Here is the Homework that has been assigned for this week:
Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June
Reading –10-15 minutes each night.
I ask that you check your child’s diary each night and sign it.
Maths – These tasks are aligned to our learning in class and provide a way to practise and consolidate the skills from our classwork. This week we will be working from our Stepping Stones Practice Book.
- Monday - Module 4.10 Page 34
- Tuesday - Module 4.11 Page 35
- Wednesday - Module 4.12 Page 36
- Thursday - Module 3.2 Page 19
This is done to a maximum of 15 minutes.
Times Tables - Focus is on 12 Times Tables this week. I sent home a link for an App to be downloaded that will help speed up recall of given tables.
This is to be done to a maximum of 5 minutes each night - Students will be asked to record their score in their diary each night.
Times Tables - Focus is on 12 Times Tables this week. I sent home a link for an App to be downloaded that will help speed up recall of given tables.
This is to be done to a maximum of 5 minutes each night - Students will be asked to record their score in their diary each night.
Spelling -students will complete a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check of all of their list words using the given framework. I ask that their words are corrected, either by you or by the student.
ABC Order
Prefixes and Suffixes
Dictionary Definitions – 5 Words
Sentences – 5 Words
Important Notes
A big thank you to all the parents that joined us at our Parent Information evening last Wednesday. If you were unable to make it, please check with your child to make sure that they have given you all of the appropriate handouts.
There is a Confirmation Card that needs to be filled out and returned as well as the Parish list for Sacraments received. If you can please fill those in and return them to me with the $25 to cover Confirmation costs as soon as possible I would be most appreciative.
Thank you to Bernie Morrison for providing a beautiful prayer focus for the evening, we have it in our room as a reminder of the journey that we have begun together.
Award Card Winners - Congratulations to Lochie, Annie and Quinn on their Awards this week. All the students have been working very hard these past weeks - it is so hard to pick only two! Quinn picked up his award from Mrs Sinclair for his efforts at last weeks Cross Country. Photos are soon to follow!!
Enrolment Mass - it was wonderful to see everyone there on Saturday night. Thank you for your attendance!
Year 1 & 6 Buddies Mass - This Wednesday (weather permitting), we will be walking down to Church to participate in the weekly Mass with Fr Ian and the parishioners. If you are able to join us for Mass at 9.30am, we would love to see you there! (Please check with the Office to make sure that we have definitely gone as they are predicting rain for the morning!
Aladdin Dress Rehearsal - this will be held next Tuesday afternoon beginning at 1.30pm. Please make sure that your child has all the required items for their costume on this day.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs Delane
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs Delane