Week 9 - It's a Short One!

Good morning parents,

I hope that you enjoyed a restful and relaxing break over Easter...I certainly did!


Parent Interviews - If you have not already done so, can you please add your name to the schedule outside so that we can have some time to discuss your child's progress.

Thank you to those parents that have already done so.

20th Anniversary Celebrations - On Friday 1st April OLC will be celebrating 20 years of education. This will begin with Mass being celebrated at 10am in the Hall followed by a morning tea. All parents are asked to provide a small plate to share.

All students are asked to wear their Summer Uniform on Friday.

We would love to see as many parents there as possible.

English and Maths Feedback Forms - Thank you to those parents that were able to complete these over the weekend. If you did not have a chance to complete them, your child will bring their books home today for you to have a look through. 

Easter Egg Raffle - A big thank you to all parents for sending in a donation. This year we were able to give out over 130 prizes! The year 6's were amazingly helpful in bundling them together to be given out and making sure that everyone got their prize!


It was a very busy week last week with many different things happening.

We attended the Chrism Mass in Bunbury which was a wonderland experience for the students. We were very lucky to have Molly Greaves, Polly HIggins and Sam Phillips be chosen to participate in the Offertory of the oils.

After Mass we were given a snack to enjoy. All the students represented OLC beautifully and I was very proud of them!


As it is a short week this week, homework has been adjusted accordingly.

Wednesday - Spelling (LSCWC of all words)
                      Maths - Mathletics Tasks and Times Tables App.
                      Reading - Read for 15-20 minutes and write this in your diary. Have your                             parents sign it.

Thursday -   Spelling (LSCWC of all words)
                     Maths - Mathletics Tasks and Times Tables App.
                     Reading - Read for 15-20 minutes and write this in your diary. Have your                            parents sign it.

Have a fantastic week!

Mrs Delane 

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