Week 7 - Let's Do This!

Good morning Parents,

The remaining weeks of the term are shaping up to be very busy! Please see below for a few reminders for the coming weeks.


Easter Egg Raffle - Every year families of OLC are asked to donate an easter egg to be used in the raffle that is held on the Thursday before we break for Easter.

If all families can please send in a small donation by Friday 18th March it would be most appreciated.

Family Mass - This Saturday 19th March we will be coming together to host the first family mass of the year. A huge thank you to those families that have committed to attending and helping. We would love to have a few more helpers, so please let me know if you are able to attend and if your child is able to help. A pizza supper will be served after Mass.

OLC Open Day - We will be hosting our OPen Day tomorrow morning beginning at 9.30am and concluding at 11am. Please spread the word to any families that may be considering OLC for their children.

Our Year 6 leaders will be helping by showing visitors around the school. I know that Mr Torrese gave them a small amount of homework to complete for this so it would be helpful if you could check this with your child.

Chrism Mass - A note will be sent home today sharing information on this important event. We will be travelling to Bunbury next Tuesday 22nd March to attend the Chrism Mass that will be held at the Cathedral. At this mass, the oil that is used for the student's Confirmation is blessed. 

Please make sure that you sign and return the note by Friday 18th March.

Head Lice - A parent has let me know that their child has nits. If you can please check your child's hair and treat as needed we would all be most appreciative!


 On Friday afternoon, we travelled to Peron Reserve to help oil the Observation Deck with Mrs Hughes who works with the Friends of Peron Reserve. This is an ongoing tradition that was greatly enjoyed by all the students!

A very big thank you to Mrs Kartana for coming with us!

In our Literacy time we have been having a fantastic time looking at Sizzling Starts in our stories...!

It was great to share them with each other, we had quite a few good laughs!

During our Geography lessons...(which some of you may have heard about) we have been continuing to talk about how access to clean drinking water is essential to children's development and the development of a country. We began researching some of the most common water-related diseases found in less developed countries and how they are affecting people.

This relates back to the work of Caritas Australia so well and it was fantastic to see the students making real world connections.


Please see below the homework that has been assigned for Week 7. 

If I can ask that you are checking that your child is completing their homework, I would be most appreciative. Please take a moment to check through their maths in particular and if you can help them to fix up any errors.

We go through any tricky questions in class the next day as well.

Please make sure that your child is completing their assigned Mathletics tasks...these are useful for reviewing content and extending around concepts that are being covered. Each child has a limit of 10 tasks and if they are not completing them I am unable to add more to keep pace with current learning.

Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Phonological activity for 10 list words.

Complete Day 1 of Unit 8 of Think Mentals on Page 25.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.

Written Report due Thursday 16th March.

Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Visual activity for 10 list words.

Complete Day 2 of Unit 8 of Think Mentals on Page 26.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.

Written Report due Thursday 16th March.

Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Morphemic activity for 10 list words.

Complete Day 3 of Unit 8 of Think Mentals on Page 26.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.

Written Report due Thursday 16th March.

Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Etymological activity for 10 list words.

Complete Day 4 of Unit 8 of Think Mentals on Page 27.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.

Have a fantastic week,

Mrs Delane 

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