Camp Permission Slip

Wednesday, 27th April 2016

Year 6 Camp – Dwellingup 2016

 Dear Parents,

Please complete the “Permission Slip” (below), and the separate “Camp Medical & Emergency Information” slip. Please return the completed forms by Tuesday 10th May.

The cost for camp this year will be $346 for students and $282 for the adults attending. This amount is payable by Friday 13th May.

If there are any difficulties with making this payment, please come and speak to myself or Mr Wilkie as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support, I am looking forward to an enjoyable week on Camp!

Yours sincerely,
Caitlin Delane

Permission Slip, Year 6 Camp 2016, DARE Adventures, Dwellingup

I give my child                                                                       permission to attend the Year 6 School Camp at DARE Adventures, Dwellingup, leaving school at 8:00am on Monday 16th May and returning to school on Friday 20th May at approximately 3.15 pm.


Signed:                                                                                                   Date:                       

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