Welcome Back - Week 1

Good morning and welcome back to Term 2!

I hope that you all enjoyed a great break and are feeling refreshed and ready for a new term.

ANZAC Day Service - Thank you very much to all those that came and participated in the ANZAC Day service on Monday. It was wonderful to see so many students there and representing our school so well.

Zac and Molly spoke very well and we are all very proud of them!

Perth Glory Visit - Last term we were lucky enough to have the Perth Glory come down and run a soccer skills clinic for us. We had a fantastic time and had a chance to show off some of our skills.


Camp 2016 - Letters will be sent home today including a Permission slip and a Medical Emergency Information form. There is a also a Request to Administer Medication form that will need to be completed if your child has medication that needs to be given regularly.

This needs to be filled in in case you think that your child might require Panadol or Nurofen whilst we are away. I will not be able to give these to your child without your express, written permission.

Digital copies of these letters will be placed on the blog for your reference as well.

Prac Student - This term we are lucky to have Miss Emma Dziadulewicz joining us for 5 weeks to complete her final ATP. Miss Dziadulewicz will be begin by taking small group lessons over the coming weeks and building up to teaching full time.

I will be in class at all times supervising and planning and programming to ensure that our content is covered.

Important Dates for Term 2 - Please make sure that you check the school website for the most up to date version of the school calendar.

Week 1 - Thursday 28th April - Camp Parent Meeting (3.30pm in Silver Room). This meeting is for those parents in Years 5 and 6 that will be joining us on Camp this year.

Week 2 - Friday 6th May - Camp Fun Run. This will begin at 1.30 in the afternoon and will conclude by approximately 2.30pm and will help to raise money for the Year 5 and 6 camps.

Week 4 - Monday16th - Friday 20th May - Year 6 Camp 

Week 5 - Monday 23rd May - Pupil Free Day

Week 6 - Thursday 2nd June - Interschool Winter Sports Carnival (Bunbury)

Week 8 - Wednesday 15th June - Confirmation Parent Information Night

            - Saturday 18th June - Confirmation Enrolment Mass

Week 10 - Wednesday 29th June - Grandparents Day  


Please see below the Homework that has been assigned for Week 1.


Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words.

Complete Day 1 &2 of Unit 11 of Think Mentals on Page 35.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.

Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Complete your LSCWC of all list words.

Complete Day 3 & 4 of Unit 11 of Think Mentals on Page 35.

Mathletics - Complete assigned tasks 5-10 minutes.

Times Tables App – complete 5 minutes practise.

I hope you have a great week!

Mrs Delane 

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