Week 10 - The Holidays are Almost Here!

Good afternoon parents,

Here is the last post for Term 2, it has been a fantastic term. The students have all worked so hard and have shown themselves to be excellent individuals and school leaders time and time again.

I hope that you are all planning some down time...safe travels to those of you that are leaving town!


Grandparents Day - Wednesday 29th June - If you have not already done so can you please return the blue slip sent home last week to RSVP for the day for catering purposes.

Choir Donation - Thank you to those parents that have brought in their money, if you have not already done so please have it in for tomorrow.

Shrek The Musical - Just to confirm that the dates for the Musical this year are Wednesday and Thursday 14th and 15th September.

We will be looking for helpers with sewing, costuming and set decoration in the coming weeks. There will be a meeting on Wednesday 21st July in Silver Room. Please come along if you are able to help. 

If you are unable to make the meeting but can help, please let me know and I will make a note.

Inter-school Cross Country - 28th July (Week 1, Term 3)Permission slips were sent home for this with your child last week. As we have some of the selected students that will be away we will be looking for some students to step in. A note will be sent home with your child tomorrow if needs be.


It has been a fantastic term so far, we began work on our worm farms and they are all ticking along well!

Last Friday we were lucky to have Mr Jack Robinson come in and share some of his expertise on some of the Saints that we have been learning about through our Research Projects. As always he shared some fantastic stories and was able to support and encourage the students in their preparations for Confirmation.

We have been working hard on planning, drafting and publishing our Persuasive pieces. There have been some very interesting topics chosen and I am looking forward to being persuaded to seeing things differently!

Mr Wilkie will be looking at the finished products, there may be some food for thought for him.


As the students have projects and speeches that are due on Wednesday and Thursday respectively, I have modified homework for this week accordingly.

Students are asked to complete Days 1-4 of Unit 19 of Think Mentals Book 6 on Pages 58-60.

I have also asked that they make sure that their diary is filled in and signed.

Have a fantastic holiday and thank you again for all your hard work and support this term, it has been greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,

Mrs Delane 

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