Week 7 Reminders

Good afternoon parents,

My apologies for not having the post for this week out earlier, I had to leave unexpectedly on Tuesday to go up to Perth as my mum had been unwell and was taken to hospital. 

Thankfully she is on the mend now and will be coming home today. Thank you for the emails and messages to check in on the family and I. The last couple of days have reminded me again of how lucky I am to have such a supportive parent group to work with!

Carnival Gear - Just a reminder to please return all items borrowed for the Inter-school Carnival last week.

The students are asked to tick their names off the list on the board and place the returned items in the tub to be returned to Mrs Sinclair.

Thank you to those that have already done so.

Confirmation Parent Information Evening - For the parents of those students that will be undertaking the Sacrament of Confirmation this year you are asked to attend an information evening on Wednesday 15th June.The meeting will begin at 7pm (time to be confirmed with Fr Ian) and will be held in Silver Room.

Confirmation will be on Sunday 8th August at 9am.

Only those parents whose child is being Confirmed are expected to attend. If your child will be a prayer buddy you do not have to attend.

Confirmation Enrolment Mass - This will be held on Saturday 18th June at Our Lady of the Southern Cross beginning at 6pm. All confirmation candidates and prayer buddies are expected to attend. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to be there. If you can please be there by 5.45pm.

Have a great week,

Mrs Delane 

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