Week 2

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to Week 2...I hope that those families that were at Camp enjoyed it? It was a great experience for all the children to be there...it sounds like they had a great time!


Fete Money - Caroline has been in touch with all families in regards to the items needed for the Year 6 stall. If you can please make sure that you get that money in as soon as possible in an envelope that has been clearly labelled with your child's name.

The organisers have asked if any Year 6 children would be willing to man the drinks stall to help sell drinks and ice-creams. I have roster that has been given to me, if you are happy for your child to help they can put their name down.

See you all at the Fete kicking off from 10am!

Inter-school Carnival - This is on this Thursday 20th October. Please make sure that your child has returned their permission slip.


We have been busy this term already finishing off our interpretations of the 'Jabberwocky' poem written by Lewis Carroll. We have been learning about Portmanteau and how it has been used to write this iconic poem. The students have worked in pairs or groups to recreate this poem using their own portmanteau...they are fantastic! I am still waiting on the last couple so I will display them soon.

The students are becoming experts at outlining our learning intentions during our literacy and numeracy sessions. They are providing a great talking point and I am seeing an even higher level of engagement in their learning and end product which is great to see. Here are some examples from our class.

The students have been working really well and I am looking forward to the rest of the term!


Please see below the Homework that has been assigned for this week.

Reading - Students need to read for at least  10 - 15 minutes and then write this in their diary. They should then bring it to you to be signed.
Spelling - Students will complete LSCWC of all list words. They are to record their Spelling words for the week using the Audio Boom app.
Mental Maths - Complete Unit 30 on Pages 91/92 - including the Think Box activity.
Mathletics - Students need to spend at least 10 minutes a night working through their assigned activities.
Year Books - Students need to make sure that the assigned pages are being completed by the given date as well as a copy or photo of their writing being uploaded to Showbie.

Have a fantastic week,

Mrs Delane 

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