Welcome to Week 4!

Good morning and welcome to the week,

We have continued our fantastic start to the term and I am very impressed with the way the students are working. I will be very sad to pass them off!


St Mary MacKillop School Visit - This week on Thursday 3rd November at 9am the students will listen to a presentation from the Year 7 Co-ordinator Mrs Katrina Grylls and Ms Emma King. This presentation gives them an introduction to what they can expect as they transition to high school next year. All students will attend even if they are not attending St Mary MacKillop next year. In previous years, ex-students who are currently in Year 7 come to talk to the students about what it is like and to give them some hints and tips!

Students will also be invited to attend the St Mary MacKillop Orientation Day on Wednesday 23rd November. Please mark this date in your diary, you can expect to hear from the St Mary MacKillop staff directly in relation to this. 

Just a reminder that Monday 7th November is a Pupil Free Day.

Milo T20 Blast Cricket Carnival - This will be held on Friday 18th November at GMAS. Please make sure that your child has returned their permission slip and come along to support us if you can!

Mini Vinnie's Program - A note has been given out today.

Lions Peace Poster Competition - The students are hard at work creating their submissions for the Lions International Peace Poster Competition. Students from all over the world enter the competition with a piece that outlines this years theme of 'A Celebration of Peace'

Students are asked to create a piece of work that reflects this theme as well as write a comment or quote (of their own creation) to reflect this idea. 

All submissions will need to be finished by Wednesday 9th November, ready for the Gallery Walk for the school on Thursday 10th November. The students vote on the piece that they feel best reflects the theme for the year.

If your child's piece is selected as the winning submission, the Dunsborough Lion's Club forward this to be judged in the international competition.

The winner will be announced at our Assembly on Friday 11th November. I will contact the winners parents on Thursday 10th November so they can be there to see their child receive their prize. The parents of the winner will need to sign a form provided by the Dunsborough Lion's Club.


In Literacy, we have been looking at the language features and structure of Informative Texts and it has been great to see the students getting so good at identifying subject specific vocabulary, examples of time connectives and comparative language as well as having a go at sorting an informative text to ensure that it is in the correct order. They are becoming masters at distinguishing between fact and opinion. Here are some examples of the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria that the students have been working with.

In our Numeracy lessons we have been looking at extended multiplication as well as calculating perimeter, number patterns and dot plots. The students are becoming experts at formulating our learning intentions and success criteria which is resulting in an even greater understanding of the concepts being covered.


Please see below for the homework that has been assigned for Week 4

Reading - 10-15 minutes per night to be recorded in their diary and signed by a parent.
Spelling - LCWC of all list words.
Maths - Complete Unit 32 Day 1-4
Mathletics - 5-10 minutes per night.
Year Book - Continue working on this.
Peace Poster - If your child would like to continue working on this at home that is fine as long as it is not interfering with other assigned homework or creating too heavy a load.

Have a great week,

Mrs Delane  

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