Confirmation Reminders

Hi Parents and Sponsors,

Just a few reminders for tomorrow's celebration:

1. Please arrive at the church no later than 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start.

2. On arrival your child will escort you to your seats.

3. I have included a bird's eye view of the seating plan (below). The number next to your family name represents the order of when the candidates are Anointed with the Oil of Chrism. I will be there to help remind you of when to go up to the Bishop.

4. When sponsors present their candidate to Bishop Gerard, they must have their Right Hand on the candidate's Right Shoulder and the Confirmation Card in their left hand (they give this to Father Ian). Sponsor then say, "Bishop Gerard, I present to you... (Candidate's Confirmation Name)". PLEASE MAKE SURE THE SPONSOR KNOWS HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE CONFIRMATION NAME. 

5. Bishop Gerard will then say "Candidate's Confirmation Name, be sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit". 

6. Candidates respond with "Amen"

7. Bishop Gerard will say, "Peace be with you"

8. Candidates respond with, "And with your Spirit". Once this has been said you can walk back to your seats.

9. Please remain reverent during this time.

I will have safety pins and dove pins on the night for those candidates that didn't receive them today.

See you all tomorrow night!

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