Welcome To Year Six

Hi Parents,

Welcome to the first blog post for Twenty Nineteen! The Year 6’s have had a great start to the year and you should all be very proud of what they have been able to achieve as leaders of the school. Starting from next week, the blog will be posted every fortnight on a Monday. The reason for this is because our home learning cycle is run over two weeks (refer to section on home learning for more information).

I use the blog as a way to keep you informed on any events that are coming up as well as the learning that will be covered over that fortnight. An event or matter which requires its own blog post will occur throughout the year. Please try your best to read relevant sections of the blog with your child so that they are aware of anything that they need to know.

 I hope you have a great week!

Quote of the Week:

The parent information night will be on Tuesday 19th February. More information on the night will come but it would be great to see as many of you there as possible.

Swimming trials will occur next Tuesday 19th February in Busselton. If you are free and would like to show your support, we will be swimming between 11:00am – 12:00pm. Please remind your child to have the appropriate swimming gear with them in a bag.

As I wrote in the welcome section, home learning will run over a two-week cycle. I understand that your child may have a busy before and after school agenda and may not be able to complete their home learning every night. This means that your child will have one full weekend to use as means to catch up on any work they have not yet completed.
I have told the kids that reading and a LSCWC must be completed every night, but it is up to them when they choose to complete their mental maths, times tables and any project work etc.

When the new home learning cycle begins, I will give the students some time on a Monday afternoon to fill in their diaries for the next fortnight. Each day, your child should be referring to their diary and ticking off tasks when they have completed them. If they don’t complete a task, for whatever reason, they should then move it to another day for completion.

Diaries will also be a form of communication between parents and myself. I have told the kids that one of their parents will sign their diary at the end of each week (ready for a Friday). By signing their diary you are letting me know that, yes, your child has completed the activities that they have ticked off and you have sighted their work.

I will explain this process on the information night.

The new mental maths books have been chosen as they target more of the four operations rather than any concepts that may not have been covered in the classroom. If your child is finding the tasks too difficult, we can arrange a meeting to discuss this further.

Each child has the answers in their trays at school. Once they have completed a task at home, they have the morning time (8:30 – 8:45am) to mark that work. This then allows them to address any issues with me on a 1 on 1 basis. I am more than happy for you to be involved with their learning and mark their work and give any advice where needed.

Spelling exercise books, diaries and mental maths come to and from school every day. It may be an idea to purchase a home learning folder (if you haven’t already) to preserve the life of these books. It is extremely important that your child has a drink bottle each day so that they stay hydrated during school.

I will explain this in greater detail on the information night but you will find the following headings in each blog post.

Under this section you will find the literacy learning intentions for the week.
CAFÉ-R (Traits of good readers)

Voices (Traits of good writers)

Under this section you will find the Numeracy learning intentions for the week.

If you are still reading this, then go and make yourself a cup of tea, coffee, pour a glass of wine or a beer (not that I am encouraging drinking) but you deserve it.

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Mr Jones

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